News & Views from Nottingham Photographer Paul 'Spike' Reddington

Posts tagged “digger

Real Life Tonka Toys

A Caterpillar Quarry Haul Truck ©2015

“Real tough toys for real tough boys” went the slogan for the eponymous metal trucks, diggers and fire engines made by Tonka going back to the 60s and 70s. And I remembered the slogan without Googling it!

My latest assignment takes me into the realm of real-life ‘Tonka Toys’ as I am doing work for a quarry that is full of noisy, chunky and very, very big trucks, excavators and diggers.

And dynamite. Or whatever the modern explosive equivalent is for blowing up rock!

So it’s a ‘big boy’s’ and photographer’s paradise really.

Right up my street 🙂